…so does hope
Continue ReadingThe twins turned 100 days old last week! Or wait, was that the week before? No, it was last week. Yeah. Last week. The past few months all sort of blend together in one long, endless day of feeding, changing, and putting to bed. Plus, it’s about 3 am right now. I’m going with last week.
Let’s try this again.
We celebrated the twins’ 100th day, or Baek-il (백일) last week!
(Also, can you believe I posted 2x in the same week? I can’t.)
It’s been a while.
Time has flown by so quickly. Spring turned into summer and now here we are, nearly three months later, at the midway point for the year, the twins growing practically overnight.
I don’t even know where to start, so I’m just going to start somewhere in the middle, even though we’re still at the very beginning.
People keep asking me how I feel as I get closer to my due date (and the bigger my baby bump becomes). My answer to a relatively simple question is, naturally, somewhat complicated.
I feel both ready and not ready at the same time.
my uncle at our wedding in 2010
Late last week, just before my mom’s flight from Houston was due to take off, I received a text message from my brother that my mom had missed her flight. Apparently, she had just missed the two-hour deadline to check in luggage (she had already checked in online the night before) and therefore was not allowed to board her flight to Korea. A member of the airport staff was contacted and she also expressed confusion as to why my mom was not allowed to check in. Essentially, nobody wanted to override the airline attendant’s decision, and so my mom was grounded, her flight rescheduled for the following day.
Several hours later, my mom emailed me to tell me that my uncle had passed away.
It’s that time of year again. You guessed it, it’s Hot Dog Casserole (HDC) time!
Which can only mean one thing: it’s Sly’s birthday!
I made it to 30 weeks!
It probably looks like I’m about to pop in the above photo, but I had just chugged a liter of water and the combination of arching my back and a 3/4 turn didn’t exactly create the most slimming of poses. Not that I was really worried about that because obviously, I’m pregnant. Just not necessarily “ready to pop” (as everyone likes to tell me) pregnant…yet.
When you’re a kid, you have a bunch of childhood dreams. Some are ridiculous, some are unattainable, some you talk yourself out of, and some you outgrow. But when you’re a kid, you don’t know that yet.
One of my dreams as a kid was to attend an Olympics, in particular, a winter Olympics. As I grew older, many of my childhood dreams — becoming an astronaut, dancing for the New York City ballet — fell by the wayside when I realized that some dreams aren’t just meant to be. And that’s okay, because letting go of old dreams made way for new ones.
And yet, after all this time, I still held onto my dream of going to Olympics.
Last week, I got to check that off my list.
This year, we have a little something extra to celebrate…
…or should I say, two little something extras to celebrate…