Part 1: Miami Where to begin where to begin. Took a red eye to Ft. Laud where my sis picked us up in a…red mini-van that smelled like dog. Can we say Baller? We were all pretty exhausted, so ended up changing at my sister’s place and lying on one of the private beaches near her house. Weather was extremely warm. Water was clear and blue…and warm…where were we? After frolicking, eating lots of seafood and ice cream, we checked into our hotel in South Beach (total Spring Break hotel) and took naps. Our room woke up super late and had to hurry to get ready while the other room waited. Once ready, we walked out to the front, passing the bar. The bartender–a cutie pie we’ll call T–asked us to go back inside to have a shot on him. Reluctantly, we agreed. Not long after, I was behind the bar pouring drinks. It was a bit coyote ugly, but also kind of fun. I made a couple different types of shots (with his help) and then a mojito with amaretto that was really good (also his creation). Next thing you know, these 2 dudes from Sweden (?) arrived doing David Blain-esque card tricks.
We left after to eat dinner at sushi samba on Lincoln (yum) and then we came back to change shoes, passed the bartender, did a body shot off T, went to this place called Rok Bar to meet up with a friend, got champagne sprayed on us, then back to the hotel to change again, and then more shots, and then we were at Prive with our new Miami friends dancing until 430 am. Apparently, my sister asked told me it was 4am, and I kept yelling, “30 more minutes. 30 more minutes.” This part of the night is hazy for me. I know I danced with a couple of guys–but I thought they were friends of friends. One dude tried to kiss me, but thankfully that didn’t happen. Too short dude. And as if.
The night ended in a little diner-type place open 24 hours. We sat down at the lunch bar and our waiter instantly gave us bottled water. He was a nice guy–cuban? caribbean? I dont know. We ordered cuban sandwiches and fries. When the fries came out, I kept chanting, “fries, fries, fries, fries.” The waiter asked me, “Rice?” I nodded. “FRIES!” Next thing I know, I have a bowl of rice in front of me. We put fries with ketchup in the rice to simulate candles and then everyone sang happy bday. Not long after, the waiter came out with a slice of tres leches with a real candle, and everyone sang again. Two creepy dudes in the corner who were staring at us the entire time offered to buy us drinks. We declined. 5 something am, we stumbled back to our hotel, passing the bartender again (no shots this time), and crashing instantly in our swedish tempurpedic beds.
Note: there are no Asians in Miami…meeting guys is extremely easy, if not kind of disturbing. One guy stopped us on the street–“hey can I take a picture of you guys? It’s for my friend…he loves Asians”…umm…yeah…you lost us at “Asian.” NEXT.
Days 2 & 3 were more of the same altho we were more and more tired as the weekend went on. We ate awesome seafood at Garcias, shopped along ocean ave, listened to a Kenny G wannabe at Chocolate, and then went drinking/dancing at Mansion (Max Graham spinning). Cool place. Guy to girl ratio was like 30 to 1. Naturally, the only asian guy in the entire place found his way to us…and followed us around on the dance floor. Awesome. Ended the trip with some drama (editor’s note 8/20/12: some drama is an understatement) (ok I admit, it was my fault) and then brunch at Nikki Beach where everyone was dolled up in white dresses, skimpy bikinis (boys too) and doing cocaine in the bathroom.
Part 2: Hipster Night
4th annual hipster night: where we all dress up like hipsters and hit the town. We have the routine down pat–it used to be we’d wander the streets of the mission looking for a place to settle down, but this time, after our burritos at taqueria cancun, we went straight for beauty bar and stayed there the entire night. A lot of people bailed–it was rainy and it was a Thurs–but the group that was left was a good one. And my how the hipster were out that night! So many dudes with crazy hats, wimpy mustaches and tight red tank tops, stripes, girls in sequins, and my personal favorite: a dude we called “Father Time.” BB came out with an old photo buddy, and eventually NG arrrived (flight was delayed) to shut the place down. It ended up being fun despite the weather and despite the small turnout. And I got a Holga for my bday! I also got a Canon Rebel from NG. Awesome. I love cameras!
Part 3: Sea Ranch I took 2 days off following hipster night to spend 4 days in Sea Ranch with NG. It was part of his gift to me: dSLR and a trip to one of my fav places so I could test out my new camera(s). We stayed in Condominium 1–the original Charles Moore condos (nerdy, but ive wanted to stay here since studying it in architecture school). We found out that the dude who owned/was renting out the condo was some architecture publisher. His place was pretty cool–decorated all modern with black leather and concrete. And it was cool to be inside of a place that I studied extensively back in architecture school. NG and I were really really lazy. We sat by the fire a lot. Played video games on his PSP. Cooked. Went on short hikes to the beach. And watched a lot of sunsets. Very relaxing and perfect.
And now I’m 11 days into the big 3-0. I know, age is just a number, but it still is somewhat weird. I will save my musings on growing old for another post. But for now, a picture that sums it all up.