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    October 23, 2007

    I still have a couple more pandora shots to post and then we’ll switch back to the beast, sabine, as she gets ready for Halloween. Having spent so much time with…


    Playtime for Pandora

    Pandora’s equivalent of a little blankie is this stick with a ratty piece of striped string tied to it. The string used to have feathers and a plastic ball w/a bell…


    My little helper

    Pandora usually spends her days asleep under Sly’s bed. Lately, as she has become more accustomed to me being around in the day, she has started following me around and sleeping/sitting…


    Introducing Pandora

    Since I’m in DC away from Fatty, I’ll post her sit-in soon-t0-be buddy, Pandora. Pandor is Sly’s cat–and is the exact opposite of Sabine. First, she is a very compact kitty,…


    6:33 AM

      There are a lot of memories from that day, but I don’t want to remember him that way. I’d rather remember his life, not his death. I’ve re-posted the eulogy…


    October 15, 2007

    Sorry for the hiatus–its hard to post when your fatty sabine is in one place, and you are in a million others. I will try to dig up some photos though…


    Almost a year ago today

    I’m back in DC now, working remotely (one of few perks they gave me at work) so I can spend more time with the boy. Coincidentally, my mom, brother, uncle and…


    Since I’m awake

    I’m innocent, I swear! I’ve been goofing around doing who knows what and now its frickin’ 3am and Sabine is in my room keeping me company. We had quite a scare…