Browsing Category



    Motherhood Right Now

    It’s been a while. Time has flown by so quickly. Spring turned into summer and now here we are, nearly three months later, at the midway point for the year, the…


    Ready, But Not Ready

    People keep asking me how I feel as I get closer to my due date (and the bigger my baby bump becomes). My answer to a relatively simple question is, naturally,…


    HDC for the HBD

    It’s that time of year again. You guessed it, it’s Hot Dog Casserole (HDC) time! Which can only mean one thing: it’s Sly’s birthday!…


    30 Weeks!

    I made it to 30 weeks! It probably looks like I’m about to pop in the above photo, but I had just chugged a liter of water and the combination of…


    Double Happiness

    This year, we have a little something extra to celebrate… …or should I say, two little something extras to celebrate……