We’re back from Hawaii. It feels like ages ago since we left even though it’s been only a couple weeks. It’s taken me a couple of days to kind of process…
List of Souvenirs | Seoraksan National Park I think I’m getting a little bit better about not hoarding every single thing I see, but also, Korean’s are pretty bad at merchandising…
I don't know why I enjoy creating and looking at collections of souvenirs so much. Maybe because individually each little memento or scrap of paper holds little meaning, yet when combined…
A few souvenirs picked up and pilfered along the way. We're not huge souvenir people to begin with. Knowing my hoarding tendencies we stick with small collectibles like ornaments (or things…
A look back at 2015 | A year in photos. This year we moved to Korea, We've done a good amount of traveling around Korea (which of course included lots of…
Merry Christmas, or as they say here, Me-ri Keu-li-seu-ma-seu! We like making and sending a holiday video every year instead of cards. Some of you may have received them under Sly's…
There will be no crying on my bed tonight. (Even though an older lady patted my belly yesterday and asked if I was preggers. Awesome. I'm not.) Today we woke up…
I can't believe we have been married for 5 years! It has gone by so fast! Some days it still feels weird to think that we are married -- that I'm…
It was inevitable that as I scrubbed through old posts from old blogs, combining them into my new blog space, that eventually I would find the posts from October 2006.…