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  • NYC

    A Weird Video

    I found this NYC video template via Animoto just before we left for NY and thought it would be pretty cool to use for a video slideshow. It's a cool idea,…


    Eating Our Way Through Brooklyn

    I can't recall how many times we have visited and ate our way around NYC. It's hard not to visit and eat at our favorite restaurants. On this trip we decided…


    Exploring Brooklyn

    We took a last-minute trip to NYC this past weekend. With not much time to plan (and with that time cut in half due to procrastination) we discovered that our usual…

  • DC

    a dc cherry blossom picnic

    We wanted to see the cherry blossoms together -- just us -- before they disappeared so we planned a date night, packed a bag with cheese, fruit, and homemade blueberry pecan…

  • DC

    the blossoms are finally here!

    The famous cherry blossoms were supposed to "peak" at the end of March...which then became the first week of April...which then became who knew when. This past weekend we went to…


    Springing forward

    Riding bikes makes us feel like kids again. As much as I've been loving this extra long and cold and snowy winter, I'm starting to look forward to more Spring days…