in over head

oh god. last night i was thinking about this past *date* and thought to myself, “what the hell am I doing?” Ugh. Dating is weird bc I want to keep it at the surface level. I just want to date, move on, date, move on, repeat. But I know this is impossible bc Im not the type of person who can just walk away. As carefree as I try to be, I really am unable to do it.

That being said, this guy I went on a date with (need to determine good nickname), contacted me. I guess he wants to go to dinner, site unknown. After all I put him through and he’s coming back for more?

Seriously, I’m so confused by men.

I need to follow up with other date potentials…need to be easy breezy…like C and I discussed over brunch on Sunday: our new plan involves living like we are 21.

In other words, our new motto is: WW21D aka What would a 21yr old Do?

A 21 yr old would go on a shitload of dates and have a good time. Right?

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