more goodbyes

to make a point as to how overly nostalgic I am —

NG spent last week selling his stuff on craigslist. Yesterday, movers came on Saturday to pick up the rest of NG’s stuff. He spent today sorting through what was left and giving it away or packing it in his car. Tomorrow is NG’s last day of work. He’s going to stay the night at his brother’s place in DC, and then hes driving out to SF (stopping at ATL and HOU along the way).

He mentioned that his kitty is confused as to why everything is gone in his place.

It’s weird thinking of his apartment as empty, and thinking of him as being here, not being there. In a way, I didn’t mind the commute (to put it mildly) so much — I always thought of it as a place to get away. In fact, for some strange reason, I think of DC as a home away from home–the place I go when I want to just not be here. Maybe its bc my sister has been there, and then after that, NG, and then, of course, my dad..

But anyway, him moving away, even though its towards me, makes me feel kind of sad.

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