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    rendezvous in richmond

    We met up with one of our old SF buds in Richmond this past weekend as it was a good half-way point from DC and where she was staying in N.Carolina.…


    cabin in the woods

    This past Sunday, we took a day trip to the Shenandoah area (specifically near a town called Edinburg) to have a late lunch at our friends' rented weekend cabin. The cabin…


    another goodbye

    I’m not trying to write a eulogy, because I realize they are not dead. And logically, of course, real friendships continue despite distance and all that. Right now, we’re all…


    More fun than MASH

    If I could pick my friends careers: RD: Owner of tiny vineyard that produces like 250 bottles of hand-crafted (whatever that means) wine a year. She would also paint all the labels…


    Great America – 2006

    Well…since I couldn’t snag pix of Dave Chappelle when he talked to me on a street corner today (no joke, I swear!), you’ll have to settle for our exciting outing at…


    another wedding photo

    This came from Dom – we have no idea what we are laughing at or what she is pointing at, but I suppose it was pretty funny. I have no recollection…


    dj’s last week

    work=bleh. dj’s last week, and our friendship is slowly returning to the way it was. There’s still some kind of hesitance; a wall of some sort, but still…its better than its…


    The dreaded Vday

    Around midnight, after a tarot session with IBSY, I did one of my own. Very interesting indeed. I’ll post a detailed account later, but I found it interesting and actually, very…