Browsing Tag

date night


    Accidental date night

    I was really looking forward to yet another lazy Friday...until Sly asked sometime mid-afternoon if we had a concert to go to at night. I racked my brain. Concert? What concert?…

  • ETC

    The Return of Gramma and Grandpa

    Today, after more laziness we ventured out for a mini date: soup dumplings and red mango ice cream. Then back home we went, back into our pjs, back to reading/playing…


    Date Night | Korean Tofu Soup House

    I barely ate anything all day knowing full well I would eat a ton. Specifically, I had my eye on my favorite seafood pancakes that are crispy, fried, and delicious. Being…


    Three Years, Two Weeks + 1 Day

    I can’t believe it’s been three years since we were married. It seems like yesterday and forever ago both at the same time. So much has happened in such a short…

  • HOME

    snapshots from the weekend

    In the evening we met up with some friends at an Asia After Dark event at the Freer Sackler Gallery. The theme was "Korean Soul Train" The invite encouraged costumes. Naturally,…

  • DC

    a dc cherry blossom picnic

    We wanted to see the cherry blossoms together -- just us -- before they disappeared so we planned a date night, packed a bag with cheese, fruit, and homemade blueberry pecan…

  • ETC

    friday date night | a trip to ikea

    Have you ever met those people who, when moving into their first grown-up house, exclaim that they are done with Ikea furniture and will only buy 'real' furniture? Well, we aren't…


    Archery + Sushi

    We have been planning and postponing archery lessons for over a month now. I took archery in college and it's something we have both wanted to do together for years. The…