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  • DC

    the blossoms are finally here!

    The famous cherry blossoms were supposed to "peak" at the end of March...which then became the first week of April...which then became who knew when. This past weekend we went to…

  • DC

    saturday afternoon

    We strolled around the Barbara Kruger installation, Belief + Doubt, and walked through the extremely crowded Ai WeiWei exhibit. Ai WeiWei is pretty much the quintessential rebel artist who falls in…

  • DC

    inauguration day

    Hubs and I decided to brave the crowds and go to the inauguration swearing in ceremony. It's a first time for me since moving to the DC area, and something I…


    the new year

    We ushered in the new year with family: a quiet dinner at a local eatery (chicken friend steak with bacon for me), a bit of New Year's Rockin' Eve (in which…


    Cherry blossoms in DC

    Sly and I have been meaning to take cherry blossom photos since last year, it just never seemed to happen. Last year, it was freezing, then we had guests in town,…


    D.C. bound.

    It’s official, we are D.C. bound! Over our honeymoon, Sly received an offer to work for a government agency in Washington D.C. area. I initially had my reservations about leaving San…


    looking forward to…

    …house hunting. ng and i have been sending each other links back and forth. one had a pretty busted kitchen, and some wicker around the front porch area that looked like…


    just visiting

    “you can always come back and visit,” people have told me. ya, but it’s not the same as having a home in the city that you can come home to. Visiting, whether…


    offer accepted

    NG accepted the offer as presented today for the DC job. After this, a series of tests, and then I guess we can set a date. I’m freaking out just a bit.…