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  • DC

    thank god for date nights

    Another crappy week -- though not as bad as last week -- saved only by Thursday's date night from which point the crap week became totally worth it. This date night…



    The weeks have been so cold and icy, but the weekends have been so nice. It's been hard for me to sit down and finish up projects knowing the warm weather…


    February Date Nights

    Since we were so sidetracked by Olympics-watching, and since Feb is such a short month, we kind of fell short in the date planning department. …


    Our first dinner party

    It’s been over a year since we moved into our house and it was time to finally have some friends over for dinner. As usual, Sly did all the prepping and…


    Breakfast of Champions

    You may be wondering how a bagel with cream cheese can be worthy of an entire post, but it is not just any smoked salmon on bagel, it is a Russ…

  • NYC

    The View from the Lower East Side

    Way back in January, when the weather was warmer (!?!?) and there was hardly any snow on the ground, we decided to take an extended weekend trip to NYC. As usual,…

  • FOOD

    The most boring game ever

    Superbowl Sunday, now I remember why I have avoided you for so many years. You are boring. You make ordering Korean chicken wings nearly impossible (2.5 hour wait, seriously?) You make…