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girls’ night


    being girly

    Hanging out with girls all day has had a very interesting effect–we gossip, we talk about celebrities, we flip through fashion magazines, we online shop, and when its all said and done, we go to neiman marcus afterwards to go shopping, followed by dinner at a trendy asian-fusion type place.

    Today in studio, me and Bugsy, looked through InStyle and found all the shoes we liked…then looked them up online to see how much they cost. Then Rosemary, the stylist, convinced me to go to the Neiman Marcus (or “Needless Markup as we like to say) for their first call sale. I guess only people w/Neiman cards get invited. Anyway, I went…not planning on buying anything…but then…I did something very bad…I bought a very expensive dress…and my coworke, Bugsy, bought a very expensive coat.

    I don’t feel too bad about it bc it *IS* designer, and I got a decent discount…and I know it is a dress that I will wear forever. I mean, I was thinking about it and I thought fuck it. Its my bday soon. Im about to be 28. Why *can’t* I have a dress like this for once?

    And so I bought it bc it fit perfectly and its made by the same designer who made the magic dress. And if the magic dress is magic, then this dress will be even more magic, bc I actually really like it. I feel a bit guilty…esp since I bought some expensive Coach boots recently…but…WW21D, right? If only I weren’t raised by a frugal Asian mom who thinks that $25 is a lot to spend on a dress…

    After shopping at Zara and Neiman, we gorged at E&O trading company. Rosemary treated us to dinner, which was totally nice, and made me and Bugsy feel a bit better about spending so much money. We talked about boys, boys and boys. It was pretty awesome.

    Nights like these remind me why its good to not just have guys for friends. Girls need to stick together.

    ps–we have also taken over the men of the photo studio. Yesterday, I was giving this one merch guy a ton of shit. When he came in to talk to us, I shooed him away, telling him that if he wanted to get us coffee and snacks, that the bakery was 2 floors down. He looked at me with both shock and amusement. I met him a little later at the bakery and gave him more trouble, telling him that I owned him and that when I said “jump,” he better say “how high?” Did I mention that i barely know this guy? Like Ive met him once. Anyway, fast forward to today and 3pm coffee break rolls around. I was busy chatting w/the girls about typical girl stuff when I notice this guy standing next to me w/a notebook and pencil in his hand. Naturally, my first inclination was to tell him to get us coffee, but then I realized…he was there to take our order! Not only did he get us coffee, but when I told him to get us an assortment of sweets, he came back w/an entire platter filled w/every different kind of sweet you could imagine — tarts and cookies and chocolates and little apple streudels, and mini mousse pies w/raspberries — all of which he arranged on a platter and served to us.

    Come on, you have to admit–that is pretty damn impressive.



    well, I didn’t think it was possible, but I met a guy version of julia stiles. no shit. one of the people i interviewed today looked like julia stiles w/a goatee.…



    Friday. After work. C and I did our usual Friday night shopping in Union square. Just doesn’t feel right to have a friday without shopping. We both found some really cute…