…and just as I started to get things going, my life totally derailed.
In a good way though.
I got engaged.
I don’t have the actual proposal on super 8, but I captured a lot of moments up to that point, and then the moments the day after. One thing I’m learning is that the super 8 does not enjoy filming in low light, even in daylight, outdoors. So far, I’ve shot 3 rolls spanning several locations. I’ve filmed when the roll was finished (thinking I was still filming), and I’ve filmed several times without a roll of film inserted into the cartridge holder (again!), but all in all, I’m hoping that I’ve made contact.When I get to 4 rolls, I’m going to send them off, hold my breath, and see if anything went through.
I’m planning on filming my wedding in super 8 (or I’ll con some friends to do it for me). As unexpected as my engagement was (I just didn’t think it would happen *now*), it’s interesting how life is unfolding: how major life events are happening this year, and how I’ll be able to document it all in kodochrome. I’m still here, still filming, and still very much in love with my super 8.
In the meantime, some inspiration for the big day.And also a sneak peak into my photographer for the aforementioned day. I’m stoked to have found someone (quite accidentally) that shoots in film, and more than that, shoots with plastic cameras.