Browsing Tag

life’s a beach



    booze n burgers

    objects in photos are *much* larger than they appear

    booze n burgers

    We woke up early (though I guess we always get up early), made breakfast and drove to Costco. We were threw caution to the wind and broke the cardinal rule of going to Costco: never go on a weekend. We didn’t care. We were wild and crazy. We arrived not even an hour after opening and already all the lots were nearly full. Undeterred, we pressed on. Continue Reading

  • ETC

    a clean slate

    I am going to embrace this last snow day (it is the last one, right?) with opened arms. Play in the fluffy white snow with my curious kitties. And look at…

  • ETC

    I’m usually not a quotes person

    "I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot…

  • ETC

    it gets better

    Pizza (and cannolis), nights spent catching up on The Bachelor (I'm to blame for this) and The Walking Dead. Hot cups of tea. My mom's emails documenting all the cool things…

  • ETC

    when things go from bad to worse

    So far this new year has been rough -- not just the weather, but Life stuff. I am a total emotional mess every other second of every other day (and…

  • HOME


    Saturday. After waiting for you all week. After enduring a miserable Friday. Finally you were here. And even if it rained and rained and rained that was okay because we had…


    and so this is christmas

    I know–its just another day. The magic has long-since been lost, and the constant badgering of fake holiday cheer perpetuated by greedy retailers and incessant radio play of christmas songs has…



    night after night, I have been having dreams where I search for my dad, as if on some impossible treasure hunt. One night, i dreamed I was standing in his tool…


    cruel cruel twist of fate

    scb told me he loved me–twice. when i asked him why he never said it before, he responded, “b/c you never said it to me.” How am i gonna tell him…