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    three little words

    at approximately 430am, NG said it. I’m not surprised, but then, hearing it is always, in a way, somewhat surprising. It’s neither weird nor is it not weird. It did, however,…


    Christmas Vacation Highlight Reel

    …so far… –finally met B&D’s baby. I don’t like babies because I don’t find them very amusing, but she was not too bad. Mainly we thought of stupid ways to pose…



    we got the test results back and it’s worse than we expected, altho I had been anticipating the worst: our kitty has cancer and it has spread to all of her…


    Home for the Holidays

    Back in Houston for Thanksgiving–been eating a ton, and doing a lot of nothing. Doing nothing has been awesome. Sad: our childhood cat, who is now 14 years old, has aged…


    6:33 AM

      There are a lot of memories from that day, but I don’t want to remember him that way. I’d rather remember his life, not his death. I’ve re-posted the eulogy…


    Almost a year ago today

    I’m back in DC now, working remotely (one of few perks they gave me at work) so I can spend more time with the boy. Coincidentally, my mom, brother, uncle and…


    From my sister’s journal

    35 years. Today would have been my parents’ 35th wedding anniversary. My mom would have come home and laid on her bed/couch and watched TV. Dad would have come home with…


    diamonds are a girl’s best friend

    Look what NGĀ gave me: My first real diamond necklace. Cute! My roomie, E, tells me that its a very girfriendy gift. I guess. I just think its sweet.…