plans for tonight: DOUBLE DATE at Tapas bar in Mission with SCB. Never met this couple before, but guy is apparently long-time friend of scb. am dreading evening of fakey small…
what to wear??? Another date tomorrow w/scb. We’re meeting after his spanish class for drinks, possibly a movie. but what to wear for drinks and a movie? drinks=little dressier, possibly heels…
my first blind date Called back guy from P’s Spanish class. Sounds friendly enough, although Im picturing a very businessy type–whole button up long sleeved shirt type thing. But…he did have…
I have no willpower was so close to emailing–and bombarding–like 9 million times. Cannot stop thinking about it. Even when Im not thinking about it, Im still thinking about it. Sigh.…
test blah blah blah el tigre blows chunks blah blah blah…
omg…report from the pier…sailors…everywhere….sea…of…white… dying.…
CARROT: refers to something you want, but cannot have–like the carrot on a stick that you always see in cartoons, dangling just right in front of the person’s face, but just…
This is ingenious: but still, I don’t think I could do it. I called the lines and they are pretty bad.…