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    Family Time

    We tried to pack as much as we could into every single hour we had with the family as we are rarely all in the same place at the same time…


    Happy Halloween!

    Tonight we plan on watching scary movies and handing out candy and wearing one of the many grotesque masks that my dad used to send every single year in a Halloween…

  • HOME

    A break

    If you can't tell, we had a pretty boring weekend. But boring in a good way. I like boring. Boring in that we stayed home, organized our fridge, went to the…

  • HOME

    snapshots from the weekend

    In the evening we met up with some friends at an Asia After Dark event at the Freer Sackler Gallery. The theme was "Korean Soul Train" The invite encouraged costumes. Naturally,…


    a few snapshots of the fuzzies

    The Kitty's grandparents were here last week, spoiling them like crazy with treats every morning, afternoon, and evening, lots of play time, and lots of cuddling. Max + Rufus, who are…


    Sigur Rós + Snow

    Outside: I put on my Xtra Tufs and walked around in the woods listening to the snow crunching beneath my boots. Finally! Real snow! It snowed and snowed and snowed --…


    happy caturday

    Max and Pandora have become best friends all of sudden and can always be found maybe not cuddling together, but at least sitting/sleeping very very close to one another. We are…


    my little guy

    It's no secret: I'm a crazy cat lady. It's hard not to be when Max makes it so easy to love him. He follows me everywhere, chirping when he can't find…