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    How is Pandora doing?

    Many people have asked how our other little kitty has handled the stress of losing her sister and the introduction of a new brother. I think this video pretty much sums…


    Wide Angle lens

    I waited at home today for UPS to arrive to deliver me my new wide angle lens. Naturally, Fatty and Frumpy were likely test subjects. Sabine didn’t want to cooperate. She…


    Their first vet visit together

    And Pandora’s second time ever (??) to the vet. Pandora is 4-5 years old, although every time Sly is asked how old she is, he says 3. Three years old is…


    Yin and Yang

    One of my coworkers jokes that Pandora is a total Tomboy, while Sabine is a total princess. I used to think the opposite, thinking that Pandora was more cat-like and elegant,…


    New Summer Dresses

    Another extremely (uncharacteristically) warm weekend in San Francisco. Sly and I walked to our local diner, 2 blocks from our house, had breakfast and then window shopped on Chenery on the…


    Pandora raids Sabine’s closet

    This morning, Pandora decided to try on Sabine’s little dress for size. She has worn a tshirt once, and a panda outfit another time, but both times, she kind of went…