Man, she has a big snout.…
It’s my mom’s birthday today. Sabine says, “Happy birthday gramma!!!”…
In preparation for the first football game of the Longhorn football season, I thought I’d include some oldies but goodies. We will be having a full-fledged Longhorn photo shoot in the…
These unassuming objects are cool enough on their own (I love this product, btw), but imagine how much cooler they would be if… …it were on Sabine’s head!!!…
We just ordered a large shipment of stuff from RedEnvelope (sale=good) . As we were unpacking the items, we noticed a fuzzy shape watching us from afar. Hmm…wonder what she is…
We have been slowly trying to get Princess Sabine accustomed to the outdoors. Being a princess, she likes to stay inside when she can, and is often frightened by loud noises…
Sabine’s double hammock bunk bed. Too bad she doesn’t like sleeping ON the hammock. Just under. She is oh-so-smug too. Doesn’t seem like this is a natural cat position. But I…
Teen Wolf strikes again — look at her paws!!!!! Why is there fur UNDERNEATH her paws?? YUUUUCKKKK!!!…
Sabine’s golf club/cheeto paws. Nasty.…