Browsing Tag

san francisco


    just visiting

    “you can always come back and visit,” people have told me. ya, but it’s not the same as having a home in the city that you can come home to. Visiting, whether…


    offer accepted

    NG accepted the offer as presented today for the DC job. After this, a series of tests, and then I guess we can set a date. I’m freaking out just a bit.…


    Fork in the Road

    Hello Journal that I haven’t posted in for a year (maybe longer)? It’s 5am, and I need a place to write. I can’t sleep. My life is changing. We decided today to move to…


    another goodbye

    I’m not trying to write a eulogy, because I realize they are not dead. And logically, of course, real friendships continue despite distance and all that. Right now, we’re all…