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the beginning


    more goodbyes

    NG spent last week selling his stuff on craigslist. Yesterday, movers came on Saturday to pick up the rest of NG's stuff. He spent today sorting through what was left and…



    NG flew in on Weds for an interview yesterday. Midday Thurs, he texted me and said that they had called him to tell him to expect an offer by this week.…


    Vday questionnaire (stolen from my sister)

    St. Valentine’s Day questionnaire 1. Where did you meet? House of Prime Rib having dinner with our mutual friends. This was like in 2003 or something. We didn’t exactly become BFF. We met…


    and so it begins

    resume: posted for both dc, sf, and wildcard: austin apt: started to interview and show the place bf: exhausting all resources fingers crossed…


    three little words

    at approximately 430am, NG said it. I’m not surprised, but then, hearing it is always, in a way, somewhat surprising. It’s neither weird nor is it not weird. It did, however,…


    diamonds are a girl’s best friend

    Look what NG gave me: My first real diamond necklace. Cute! My roomie, E, tells me that its a very girfriendy gift. I guess. I just think its sweet.…


    Mom says…

    When will you and NG get together again? I like him! Too bad you are so far from each other. But if you care for each other, nothing can stop the…


    July 4th – Weekend Itinerary

    Saturday: 1045 — leave SF 1200 — Lunch at hog island oyster company 1300 – 1430 — Drive/take pictures along coast 1500 – Check-in at The Wave 1530 – Hike Salt…


    not here

    navy guy (or i guess ex-navy now) left this morning…I don’t know if i feel sad, necessarily. It is weird that he’s not here, and I will miss spending time with…