when talking to scb–told him about the 3 kiss rule/convo from the other night. He said, “3 kisses? I would say more like 4.” I laughed nervously. hope he’s joking.…
young and clueless
fuggin’ A 3rd night in a row of drinking, partying, dancing, debauchery. fuck though. why do i always think getting drunk is a good idea? and why, when Im drunk, do…
plot thickens P and I talked last night. She invited me to her bday shindig. Told me Pool Boy (the original) was probably going to be there. At which point I…
Had we but world enough, and time, To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. We would sit down…
1:30 am call scb called me last night/this morning. drunk call. In about 3 minutes, scb told me how he stormed off the court during his bball game (whats with that?),…
Somewhere in between Fort Davis and El Paso, it began to rain--except it only rained on either side of the highway--the stretch of concrete and asphalt was left untouched, completely glittering…
Went over to T’s place and we hung out—just me and about 10 boys—drinking 40s—yelling at the TV. One guy in particular made me laugh. His name was C. Kinda strange lookin’…