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young and clueless


    The dreaded Vday

    Around midnight, after a tarot session with IBSY, I did one of my own. Very interesting indeed. I’ll post a detailed account later, but I found it interesting and actually, very…



    well, I didn’t think it was possible, but I met a guy version of julia stiles. no shit. one of the people i interviewed today looked like julia stiles w/a goatee.…



    There’s this guy I dated briefly–before Frenchy and after the boyfriend whose name I cannot bear to utter. I first met him in a summer studio when I was 19 years…


    January 24th, 2005

    Its been a strange day. At work, me, my boss, and this other girl from texas talked about boys and where to meet them in the city and how dating sucked…


    garden state

    so no boy hunting last night. I went to dinner in J-town, but skipped the club afterwards. I thought it was going to be a lounge-y relax type of place over…


    the truth about boys

    The following is a conversation that occurred today between me and DJ…about boys…naturally……



    are people really starting to think about valentine’s day already???????? deep sigh accompanied w/massive eye roll.…


    things im tired of

    being “strong” taking the higher ground learning life lessons being the better person dealing with things in a “mature” way giving people the benefit of the doubt trying to understand…



    Finally updated the New Year’s Eve Post oh yeah…i meant to mention that sometime during the night, we lost our disposable camera. 🙁 If you see pictures of me drunk on the…